
You are implementing Brokered Authentication in an application deployed on a Microsoft Windows platform, with security implemented at the message layer. A Web Service using Web Services Enhancements (WSE) is processing requests from requestors. Requestors and services must use a standards-based security token that is portable across organizations and security boundaries. The solution chosen must be able to provide a complete set of security features, including Mutual Authentication, Data Origin Authentication and Confidentiality.

Implementation Strategy

Use the X509SecurityToken with WSE 2.0 policy to access certificates and use them for signing and encryption. The X509SecurityToken object accesses the subject's private key, which is used to sign the message. The message is then encrypted using the service's public key, found in its X.509 certificate. The service decrypts the message using its private key, and verifies the XML signature using the public key of the subject, which is found in the subjects X.509 certificate, included with the message.



For an overview of WSE policy, see

This pattern assumes that the Service's certificate has already been obtained by the client out of band, so that both the Sender and Recipient can access the certificate from a local certificate store.



The process section of the "Brokered Authentication - X.509 PKI" pattern describes how a certificate can be used for authentication. The following tasks represent a recommended approach for implementing message layer authentication using X.509 certificates:

Each task is divided into specific steps. While you are strongly encouraged to follow the recommendations, the steps contain enough information to allow you to tailor a solution to your specific needs.

Initialize and Send a Message with X.509 Certificate Information

This task has six steps that are recommended:

1.  Retrieve the Service’s certificate.

2.  Retrieve the Subject's certificate.

3.  Attach the certificate to a message.

4.  Sign the message.

5.  Encrypt the message.

6. Send the message to the Service.

The steps are summarized in Figure 1 below:

Figure 1

Initializing and sending a message with X.509 certificate information

Each step is discussed in more detail below:

Step One: Retrieve the Service’s certificate

The Requestor needs to access the X.509 certificate of the service to encrypt the request message. The requestor can retrieve the Service's certificate from a local certificate store without the need for code, by using policy. If a confidentiality assertion is defined to use the Service's certificate, WSE policy retrieves the certificate from the certificate store automatically.

You can use either the Key Identifier or the Subject Name to identify the certificate. However, you should avoid using the Subject Name, because a Subject can have several certificates with the same Subject Name. The WSE policy engine will throw an application exception when more than one certificate is found with the same subject name in the certificate store.


Note: Certificate information such as the subject name or KeyIdentifier can be obtained using the WSE X.509 Certificate Tool. You can also use the MMC snap-in to obtain the subject name. However, when a subject name is fully canonicalized, it must be reversed when is specified as a subject name in a WSE policy assertion. For example, a subject name obtained from the MMC Snap-In as “CN=bob, DC=Microsoft, DC=com” must be reversed when specified in policy, to read as “DC=com, DC=Microsoft, CN=bob.” The WSE X.509 Certificate Tool reverses the order automatically.


Step Two: Retrieve the Subject's X.509 certificate and Private Key

The Requestor needs to access the X.509 certificate and private key of the Subject. The private key is to sign the message, while the X.509 certificate is used to provide the public key, which is used to verify the signature at the service. The service account used by the application sending the request must have appropriate rights to access the private key, and is used to sign the message.


Note: The WSE X.509 Certificate Tool can be used to view private key file properties and set access permissions for the service account .


The X.509 certificate is retrieved automatically by the X509SecurityTokenManager class when policy assertions are either being enforced for outbound messages or verified for incoming messages. For more information on accessing the certificate store, see Security Considerations.

The X509SecurityToken object accesses the subject's private key.

Step Three: Attach the Subject's Certificate to the message

Policy is used to sign the message, and so WSE automatically attaches the Subject’s certificate to the request message.

Step Four: Sign the Message

The message is signed using the Subject’s private key. You can choose to sign one or more portions of the message, such as the address header, or the entire message. An XML signature is created using a signature algorithm that computes a checksum from the data to be signed and encrypts the checksum with the private key of the Subject. When the XML signature is validated, the data used to create the signature is also validated, providing Data Origin Authentication.

To use policy assertions in WSE 2.0, the location of a policy cache file must be specified in the application’s configuration file. The following configuration file lines provide an example of specifying a name and location for the application’s policy cache file:




                     <cache name="Configuration/PolicyCache.config" />




The example below shows a sample Integrity policy assertion from an application’s policy cache that is used to sign various parts of a request message:

<wssp:Integrity wsp:Usage="wsp:Required">


              <wssp:SecurityToken wse:IdentityToken="true">


<wssp:TokenIssuer>CN=Root Agency</wssp:TokenIssuer>


                                  <wssp:X509Extension OID= ""MatchType="wssp:Exact">gBfo0147lM6cKnTbbMSuMVvmFY4=</wssp:X509Extension>




              <wssp:MessageParts Dialect="">wsp:Body() wsp:Header(wsa:Action) wsp:Header(wsa:FaultTo) wsp:Header(wsa:From) wsp:Header(wsa:MessageID) wsp:Header(wsa:RelatesTo) wsp:Header(wsa:ReplyTo) wsp:Header(wsa:To) wse:Timestamp()</wssp:MessageParts>


<!-MessagePredicate Assertion verifies that all message parts are present on message -->

<wsp:MessagePredicate wsp:Usage="wsp:Required" Dialect="">

            wsp:Body() wse:Timestamp()



Step Five: Encrypt the Message

The entire message or portions of the message can be encrypted using the public key from the Service's X.509 certificate. At a minimum, the XML signature should be encrypted to help protect against offline attacks. The Confidentiality policy assertion in WSE 2.0 only encrypts a message body, and so a custom policy assertion (ConfidentialityEx) must also be used to encrypt the message signature.

When message data is encrypted in WSE using an X509SecurityToken, asymmetric encryption is used to encrypt a one-time symmetric key which in turn is used to encrypt the data. When message data is encrypted using the Service's certificate information the SubjectKeyIdentifier of the certificate is also added to the message by WSE. The Service owns the certificate, and so this is all the information that is necessary for the Service to access the appropriate private key and decrypt the message.

Encrypting the request in this way protects sensitive data, if the requestor is deceived into calling an illegitimate service. As the intended message recipient, only the correct Web service is capable of decrypting the message with its private key.

The following policy example encrypts a message using a Confidentiality assertion and encrypts the message signature using a custom policy assertion:

<wssp:Confidentiality wsp:Usage="wsp:Required">


 <!--The SecurityToken element within the KeyInfo element describes which token type must be used for Encryption.-->



 <wssp:TokenIssuer>CN=Root Agency</wssp:TokenIssuer>



                                  <wssp:X509Extension OID= ""MatchType="wssp:Exact">4sCW7DkUpO0spxinO6DEUS9fRVk=</wssp:X509Extension>




 <wssp:MessageParts Dialect="">wsp:Body()</wssp:MessageParts>


 <wsisa:ConfidentialityEx wsp:Usage="wsp:Required">

 <wssp:MessageParts Dialect="">




A custom policy assertion enforces encryption of signatures, by implementing the IPolicyEnforcer interface, using the Enforce() method. The details of implementing a custom policy assertion are beyond the scope of this document, but an example can be found on the Microsoft Patterns & Practices website:

Step Six: Send the Message to the Service

After the message has been signed and encrypted, it is sent to the Service.

Authenticate the Subject Using the X.509 Certificate and XML Signature

This task has five recommended steps:

1.  Verify the Certificate Trust Chain

2.  Check the Certificate Revocation Status

3.  Decrypt the Message

4.  Verify the XML Signature.

5.  Initialize and send a response to the requestor

The steps are summarized in Figure 2 below:

Figure 2

Authenticating a subject using an X.509 certificate and digital signature


Step One: Verify the Certificate Trust Chain

WSE 2.0 verifies the trust chain of certificates by default. The setting to control this behavior is controlled by the verifyTrust attribute of the <x509> element in the application’s configuration file, under WSE security.

The following XML example shows WSE 2.0 X.509 security configuration settings in an application configuration file:



              <x509 storeLocation="LocalMachine" verifyTrust="true" />



WSE must be able to recognize an issuing CA as trusted, to verify the certificate trust chain for a Subject’s X.509 certificate. WSE trusts recognizes an issuing CA as trusted based on the X.509 certificate used to endorse the Subject's certificate. WSE will recognize the issuing CA’s certificate as a trusted root for a certificate chain if the CA’s X.509 certificate is installed into the machine certificate store under the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” folder.

The high level steps for installing a certificate chain are as follows:

1.  Export the certificate chain from the CA. This is dependant on the type of CA used.

2.  Import the certificate chain into a local certificate store.


Note: For more information on managing certificates and trust chains, see the X.509 Security Primer.


Step Two: Check the Certificate Revocation Status

While this step is optional it is also strongly recommended. As discussed in the "Brokered Authentication - X.509 PKI" pattern there are two types of checks. One is to validate the certificate itself and the other is to make sure the certificate came from an expected source.

WSE policy checks the revocation status of the certificate by checking if the certificate is on a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) published by the CA. The CRL can be obtained out-of-band by downloading it from a CA and importing it into a local certificate store, where it is accessible from WSE. You can also check the validity of the certificate by accessing the CA directly. However, this approach relies on the CA being online and accessible by the Web service. There is also a performance cost associated with accessing the CA directly on every call, so you should download the CRL instead of accessing it directly from the CA. By default, WSE verifies the revocation status of X.509 certificates.


Note: For more information about CRLs see the X.509 Security Primer.


Step Three : Decrypt the Message

To decrypt messages with WSE you should define a confidentiality assertion in WSE policy for incoming messages that identifies the token used to encrypt the messages, and rejects messages that do not have specific message parts encrypted with the correct token.

When WSE receives a message that has been encrypted WSE policy automatically decrypts the message using the following steps:

1.  The Certificate's SubjectKeyIdentifier that was included in the message is used to access the private key of the certificate.

2.  The private key is used to decrypt the asymmetrically encrypted, one-time symmetric key, that was sent with the message.

3.  The symmetric key is then used to decrypt the message data using a Symmetric decryption algorithm.

The following XML example shows a confidentiality assertion that would be included in Service’s incoming request policy, to require that only messages that have been encrypted using the public key from the specified X.509 certificate will be accepted. The custom policy assertion used by the requestor to encrypt the signature for the request message is also used by the service to decrypt the message signature on incoming messages.

<wssp:Confidentiality wsp:Usage="wsp:Required">


 <!--The SecurityToken element within the KeyInfo element describes which token type must be used for Encryption.-->



 <wssp:TokenIssuer>CN=Root Agency</wssp:TokenIssuer>


  <wssp:SubjectNameMatchType="wssp:Exact">CN=My Service</wssp:SubjectName>

 <wssp:X509Extension OID= ""MatchType="wssp:Exact">4sCW7DkUpO0spxinO6DEUS9fRVk=</wssp:X509Extension>




 <wssp:MessageParts Dialect="">wsp:Body()</wssp:MessageParts>


<wsisa:ConfidentialityEx wsp:Usage="wsp:Required">

 <wssp:MessageParts Dialect="">wsp:Signature()




Note: Policy alone will not stop someone from sending an unencrypted message. However, it will reject a message at the server if it is not encrypted. A sender can also implement a policy assertion to require outbound messages to be encrypted when a requestor encrypts a request message.


Step Four: Verify the XML Signature

Once the message is received by a Service, the XML signature is verified automatically by WSE policy, which validates it using the public key that was sent with the message. If the message data had been signed this step also validates the origin of that data, providing Data Origin Authentication.

X.509 by itself does not provide a means to establish a security principal for a Subject represented in an X.509 certificate. Unless you intend to accept requests from every holder of a valid X.509 certificate, that can be verified through a trust chain to a trusted root certificate, you must somehow limit the population down to those from whom you would expect to receive messages. There are several approaches that can be used to accomplish this task:

To use policy assertions in an application, you must specify the name and location of the policy cache file that the application will use in the application’s configuration file, as shown in the following code example:




                     <cache name="Configuration/PolicyCache.config"/>




The following Integrity assertion requires that an incoming request is signed by a subject identified by their X.509 certificate base 64 Key identifier:

<wssp:Integrity wsp:Usage="wsp:Required">


 <!--The SecurityToken element within the TokenInfo element describes which token type must be used for Signing.-->

 <wssp:SecurityToken wse:IdentityToken="true">


 <wssp:TokenIssuer>CN=Root Agency</wssp:TokenIssuer>


  <wssp:SubjectNameMatchType="wssp:Exact">CN=My Client</wssp:SubjectName>

       <wssp:X509Extension OID= ""MatchType="wssp:Exact">gBfo0147lM6cKnTbbMSuMVvmFY4=</wssp:X509Extension>




 <wssp:MessageParts Dialect="">wsp:Body() wsp:Header(wsa:Action) wsp:Header(wsa:FaultTo) wsp:Header(wsa:From) wsp:Header(wsa:MessageID) wsp:Header(wsa:RelatesTo) wsp:Header(wsa:ReplyTo) wsp:Header(wsa:To) wse:Timestamp()</wssp:MessageParts>


In the above example, the Subject’s X.509 certificate is identified by the integrity policy assertion, using the certificate’s base 64 key identifier specified in the <wssp:X509Extension>element as an Object ID (OID). The X.509 extension that allows use of the Key identifier OID in the above example is the only X.509 extension supported by WSE 2.0 by default. The base 64 key identifier for an X.509 certificate can be obtained using the X.509 Certificate Tool included in the WSE 2.0 SDK.

Step Five: Intialize and send a response to the requestor (optional)

If the Service returns a secure response to the requestor, the same process described in the previous steps is used for the response message between the service and the requestor, with the roles of the requestor and service reversed. The service initiates and sends the response, signing the response with the service’s private key and encrypting with the subject’s X.509 certificate public key. The requestor processes the response in the same manner as the service processed the request, decrypting the response with the subject’s private key and verifying the service’s signature with the service’s X.509 certificate.

Resulting Context

The following benefits, liabilities, and security considerations are associated with the use of the X.509 CA as an Authentication Broker.



Security Considerations


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