Page History: Domain Experts
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Page Revision: 05/19/2013 23:46
Domain experts in the Utilities Industry are of primary concern to Harris Computer and have the knowledge and experience in variations of workflows and procedures particular to their company. In our continuous efforts to improve the accuracy, performance, flexibility, usability, maintainability, and adding new features domain experts from first year employees to seasoned professionals have the knowledge and experience needed to hone iCIS into the premier CIS software for the utility industry. The most import aspect of software development is communication. By increasing the involvement of domain experts and improving collaboration with
support techs, and other stake holders we can all accomplish all of our goals more efficiently. This is the
main goal of the Fit Test Wiki. It's very easy to add new pages and link between pages making this an ideal environment for brainstorming new features as well as refining existing features and implementation strategies.
Ward Cunningham invented the first
WikiWiki and is considered by many and one of the founders of object oriented programming. He also created a test fixture framework that uses tables for designing and testing procedures. What goes in the cells of the table and which kind of test fixture is used to test it depends on the goal of the test. There are 3 basic types of fixtures and many variations to how they work. The best way to explain is by example so here is a basic acceptance test for a procedure:
||value1|value2|Sum()|Product()| Exponent ||