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Page Revision: 03/22/2017 06:18

Support Technicians

Support techs have the widest range of responsibilities usually work from a knowledge base and with Developers to resolve client issues. They both benefit from and contribute to improving communication and collaboration daily. They have much to offer and much to gain but little time to spare as they are kept quit busy. So the best place to start is by discussing what they have to gain by participating in FitTestWiki. We can discuss what they have to contribute after that.
  • Find solutions to common problems that clients have
  • Find the correct procedure to get the results the client wants/expects
  • Find the procedures needed to follow to get the Solution in the state needed to be in sync with the client so they can walk them through the procedure they're having a problem with either:
    • to get the client to follow the correct procedure to get the results they want
    • to reveal the bug or missing functionality
    • to reveal the invalid data that's causing the problem

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