Page History: List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
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List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
|AAR ||American Association of Railroads
|ACC ||Ancillary Card Cage
|ACSES ||Advanced Civil Speed Enforcement System
|AMQP ||Advanced Message Queue Protocol
|ATC ||Automatic Train Control
|BCP ||Base Communications Package
BNSF Burlington Northern Santa Fe
BOS Back Office Servers
CCTV Closed Circuit TV
CDU Computer Display Unit
CSX CSX Transportation
DTS Dark Territory Server
EMP Edge Message Protocol
ETMS Electronic Train Management System
EULA End-User License Agreement
FRA Federal Railroad Administration
GE ACC General Electric Ancillary card Cage
GETS GE Transportation Services
HLCS HyRail Limits Compliance System
I-ETMS Interoperable Electronic Train Management System
IoT Internet of Things
ISMP InterSwitch Message Protocol
ITC Interoperable Train Control Committee
ITCM Interoperable Train Control Messaging
ITCSM Interoperable Train Control Systems Management
LMC LILEE Mobility Controller
LMS LILEE Mobility Server
M2M Machine to Machine
MCP Mobile Communications package
MOW Maintenance of Way
MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching
NEC Northeast Corridor
NS Norfolk Southern
NTSB National Transport Safety Board
OBN On Board Network
PTC Positive Train Control
PTC3 Positive Train Control Communications Commander
RME Remote Command Execution
RSIA Railway Safety Improvement Act
SDR Software Defined Radio
SNMP Simple Network Management protocol
SMA System Management Agent
SMG Systems Management Gateway
SSH Secure Shell
TMC Train Management Computer
UP Union Pacific
UPRR Union Pacific Railroad
WIU Wayside Interface Unit
WMS Wayside Messaging Server
WSRS Wayside Status Relay Service
ZCC Zero Client Configurations