Software Technologies
Modified on 05/29/2017 15:30 by Administrator — Categorized as: Software Technologies
MVC - Model/View/Controller
Design Pattern
Target .Net Framework version is unknown at this time.
Dependency Injection
MEF, Prism, Unity?
Target CSS version is unknown at this time but it they are using dotnetcore as Bobby Bryd told me then it is most likely version 3
Microsoft Visual Studio Modern Web Tooling
CSS Help for HTML 3.2 and eariler
Needs to be strong
JQuery CSS
Entity Framework
install package Entity Framework version unknown at this time
Mapping applications in C# MVC
This implies ASP.NET ISAPI filters for legacy systems or one of the new MVC web app templates in Visual Studio
dotnet CORE command line: dotnetcore new mvc
Rabbit MQ
3rd Party Category
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